One of the basic human emotions is disgust: when presented with something potentially harmful or infectious, you recoil, scrunch your nose up, and perhaps gag. These are signs of disgust and they happen automatically. You have no conscious control over them. They are actions your brain is instructing your body to carry out in an effort to get away from the source of potential harm or infection.
Some of the chemical compounds that have been detected in bad breath include hydrogen sulfide, which smells like rotten eggs; skatole, which smell like feces; and putrescine, which smells like rotten meat. If you have bad breath, it doesn't matter if somebody thinks you're the greatest person they ever met because, once their brain detects any of these smells, it recognizes them as a potential source of infection and literally FORCES their body to automatic recoil in a way characteristic of feeling disgust. In other words: Their brain recognizes your bad breath as a DANGEROUS THREAT to their health and well-being! That's why people turn away... step back... and cover their nose and mouth when you're near them.
For this reason, it's little wonder that, far from being a minor irritation or nuisance, bad breath can have a crippling effect on your life, your self-esteem, and your confidence.
It can literally destroy your relationships with your family and friends by sending their brain into survival mode. It can even cripple your marriage too: nobody wants to kiss sombody with bad breath; from their brain's point of view, they might as well be kissing a dog turd!
It's also the number one turn off in any dating situation (even more so than body odor). In fact, in a survey by the British Dental Association in England, bad breath was rated as the MOST unattractive feature any person could possibly have!
It even has drastic implications for your career: if you walk into a job interview, and the interviewer gets a whiff off your bad breath, it sets alarm bells ringing throughout their body. On the face of things, they might think you have a great resume and that you might be well suited to the job, but, in their head, their brain will be screaming at them to get away from the source of possible infection sitting in front of them (that's you!). Although they're unlikely to consciously consider bad breath as a reason not to hire you, the very fact that you invoked such a strong automatic (negative) response in their body is going to sway their opinion considerably.

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